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Biotechnology Reports:


DATE: 7th FEB, 2023

Education is not only confined to classroom learning, it holds a distinct value .As a part of our B.sc curriculum, trip was organized for Monsanto and NCBS by the Dept. of Biotech on the 7th of Feb, 2023 for the B.Sc students. The main objective was to familiarize the students with transgenic plants and their significance for a better yield.  Bayer {Monsanto} Dr. Anik Dhanraj, they explained to us about the merging of Monsanto with Bayer and their   main focus revolves around the development of Crop science, Pharmacueticals & Consumer health. To assess our knowledge regarding Bayer a mini quiz was held. Then, the session commenced with their Motto: "Health for all & Hunger for none" Bayer, German company known for  its Pharmaceuticals, consumer healthcare products, agricultural  chemicals, seeds, and Bio-products. The company is a component of Euro stock market index. He explained its history and their objective and aim, along with presentations and Live demos. Firstly, the method of preparation of synthetic seeds was explained and important uses, benefits, and, setbacks of these synthetic seeds in comparison to natural seeds. They showcased the seeds and the Biolistic method for the cultivation of these seeds. The chemicals used for all these was explained, they exposed live worms which were cultured for analysis. PCR techniques and DNA fingerprinting were also explained for a better understanding of techniques, an entomologist gave us an insight into how  the rearing of insects was done. We visited NCBS, which emphasizes on Fundamental  Research from diverse fields of BIO which includes: Biochemistry,  Biophysics, Bioinformatics, Neurobiology, Cellular Organization  and Signalling, Genetics, s and development etc. Along with in stem & c-camp forms the Bangalore bioclus, bring together  fundamental research, and translational studies about  Departments, chemistry lab- explanation was given on protein structures, various types of  spectroscopy such as NMR, X-Ray crystallography, and various stationary and mobile phases were used in these techniques. Later, the Sanger’s method- its various applications and the sequencing of  DNA fragments were explained.

The Eco watch club and Dept. Of Biotechnology conducted an awareness program to all the NSS volunteers, NCC cadets, student council members and Degree maintenance staff on "Segregation of wastes and Recycling" on 22nd February 2023. The speaker was Mrs. Padmashree Balram, a environmental activist working on sustainability and SWM who works with NGOs and colleges in Bangalore. A detailed report on the wastes collected in the canteen, dry leaf waste, plastic wastes and E-waste was worked out and the methods to dispose these wasters were also discussed. A record is maintained to measure all these different types of solid and wet wastes in the college. Methods of segregation were explained to the maintenance staff. The method of treating dry leaf waste to produce organic manure was also explained.

On March 25th 2023, the Eco watch club and the Biotech department also observed Earth hour . Online quiz and Geotagged photo competitions were conducted on this day. 40 students participated in the events and won prizes.

World Environment Day was observed on 5-6-2023 and the theme was “beat Plastic Pollution. Many events were conducted like model making with theme wealth out of waste and sketching. 30 Students participated and won prizes.

Industrial Visit To Hyderabad

The department of Biotechnology organized visit to ICMR-NIN (National Institute of Nutrition) for B.Sc  students on 20th July 2023. Established- 1918 -Coonoor, 1969 (Hyderabad) Field of Research- Nutrition Micro -nutrients. The food safety and standards Authority of India (FSSAI) largely sources science –based knowledge and information for formulating the food regulating in the country. The FSSAI is responsible for production , protecting, promoting public health, through the regulation and supervision of food and safety. Commercially delivered double fortified salt, exploded the protein myth and highlighted calorie gap as the major bottle neck for healthy growth of children. They developed simple and sensitive biochemical indication for vitamin nutritive and pathogenic mechanism of various nutritional deficiency of syndrome.Scientist showed the working principle of NMR spectroscopy, Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, powdering food  grains, estimation of proteins, lipid , fats and vitamins from vegetables, oils and cereals. They a detailed explanation of qualitative analysis of  biomolecules in food components.

Visit to CSIR-Hyderabad

The CSIR-Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, IICT conducts research in basic and applied chemistry, biochemistry. Dr.Sanjay briefed about the Research centre and its branches, Pharmocology, Microbiology and Biochemistry, they also provided the knowledge about future career prospects in CSIR, guidelines for pursuring Ph.D in CSIR. Dr. Naveen  Scientist of Mol Bank explained the importance of science in everyday life and usage of medicine, food, cosmetics. He detailed about the production of vaccine  for HIV, interestingly spoke about the latest Covid vaccine production  and preservation of molecules in the bank which can be accessed even after 40 yrs.


The competition was held on 17th July 2023 on RNA and DNA replication model , students actively participated in the event with creating different working model depicting the structure and function of Replication.


The competition was held on  5th July 2023, Students from different colleges participated , they did pencil sketching on important Scientist.