19, 3rd Cross , Mission Road, C. S. I. Compound, Bengaluru, Karnataka.

The Placement & Career Forum of the college set up in 2004, has been growing steadily in terms of scope & function. Keeping with the Growth metrics of the college, this platform serves as a learning & launch pad for students from different Faculties. This serves as a transition for students from campus to corporate providing them with a firsthand exposure to the demands & expectations of the corporate world. This forum offers training to the interested students in Aptitude tests, Communication skills& Personality development. An orientation is given to the students both in terms of opportunities for Higher Education & different Career Avenues they could opt for & how they can prepare for the same. The Bishop Cotton Women’s Christian College is in the List of the top ten preferred colleges for Hiring & Recruitment.

Message from placement cell

Placement Cell, is a professional body working towards maximizing student welfare. The team consists of a student body of individuals effortlessly working under a dedicated body of teachers, to nurture and prepare students for their future careers and bring success and repute to the institution. Placement Cell acts as an interface between the students and the recruiters and is responsible for placement of final year students, providing internship opportunities and grooming the students of all batches.

The Cell also conducts various training programs, workshops, seminars and webinars by industry experts, and regularly takes up various initiatives to develop students ' skills and impart knowledge and awareness in multiple areas.

I believe that,” The job is an amazing chance to show the world what you are capable of. You have everything to be great just use it and never give up on your dreams.

Mrs Soundarya I
Placement Officer
Bishop Cotton Women’s Christian College.

Equipping the students with relevant and conceptualized professional skills and guiding them towards a bright future and career all around the world with the values of – Sincerity, Hard Work and Justice.
• To enable students to identify their career paths & prepare them for placements
• To provide opportunities for Placements through Campus Selections

To achieve 100% placement for students through dedication, attitude and complete involvement is our mission. Training and Placement Cell arranges and coordinates various programmes that aim at moulding the students so as to meet the industry expectations in career building and in turn bring laurels to the parent institution. The Training and Placement Cell, guided by a set of rules and principles, strives to maintain good relationship with industries. Preparing the recruitment schedule for the year, inviting corporations for pre-placement talks on the campus followed by final placements, and overseeing the process to its end,is the responsibility of the Training and Placement Cell. The Cell endeavors to carry out successfully all the processes methodically throughout the year.

• To enhance the employability skills among the students to meet out the corporate expectations.
• To improve the industry – institute relationships
• To place all the students in the prospective IT, Management Companies and Media Channels.
• To enhance the student’s interest towards the entrepreneurship and business strategies.

• To provide class training for the students through continuous training module
• To approach top multinational companies for arranging the campus recruitment
• To counsel the students to improve their career exposure across the global.
• To produce the most competitive students to fit in all scenario of the job market