Innovative Practices
Methods/Practices are a style of the presentation of content in the classroom. The following are some innovative methods that are used to make the learning process of Mathematics effective.
1. Problem- Solving Method
2. Play-Way Method
3. Laboratory Method
Seminars/Conferences attended by Students
The II Semester Students and IV Semester Students Ms.Chandana, Ms.Farheen Fathima,
Ms. R Ameena Naushin Khanum, Ms.Misbah Sultana, Ms. Anjum Zehra,
Ms. Aliyah Rehman participated in a two day Science Academies Lecture Workshop on “Differential Equations and Mathematical Methods” in Government Science College, Bengaluru, On 18-19 February,2019.
Departmental Fests
An Inter-Collegiate event ‘collage- Symmetry in Nature’ was conducted during “DISHA” on 20th September 2018. Around 15 Colleges Participated in the event.
Departmental Bulletin Board
Bulletin board on Topic“Pi -3.14 and Anand Kumar -Super 30”was displayed by the students of IIB.Sc.(PCM) On 14th March 2019, It’s 3.14 , also known as Pi-Day , celebrated as ‘National Pi -Day and A great Physicist and Mathematician Albert Einstein’s Birthday celebrated on Pi-Day.
Mentoring Activities
Informal career guidance and counseling was given. Remedial classes were conducted for weaker students. Tests and Assignments were given to improve their learning abilities.
Field Visit
A field visit was organized for all B.Sc. (PCM, PMCs) students to ICAR-IIHR
(Indian Institute of Horticultural Research) at Hesaraghatta on 5th April 2019.
Dr. R Venugopalan, Principal Scientist (Agril. Statistics) delivered a Lecture on the topic “Application of Mathematical and Statistical methods in Biological Sciences and Career Opportunities in this field.