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Field visit: On 15/12/2021, students of II BCA and III BCA, accompanied by two faculty members, Mrs. Jayakiruba and Mrs. Ann Kuruvilla, visited the local public exhibition organized by the Ministry of Defense. It highlighted the history of Defense Quality Assurance.

Interclass competitions: From 3/1/22 to 7/1/22 inter class competitions were conducted for BCA and BSc Computer students, to give them an opportunity to help them know their talents. The events were Poster Making, Short Film Making, Powerpoint Presentation, Technical Quiz and Coding Challenge. Many students actively participated in the events and certificates were issued for the prize winners.

Release of Bits & Bytes: On 19/1/2022 the Department Newsletter Bits & Bytes Vol 4 for this academic year, was released by the principal Dr. Revina Rebecca. She appreciated the students for taking part in various events and the faculties for their efforts in bringing out the newsletter.

Guest lecture conducted: A guest lecture was organized by the Department of Computer Science on Data Science and Analytics on 1st July 2022. The resource person was Mrs. Vidya Menon, an alumni of BCA. She also gave a career guidance session to the students.

Workshop Attended: III BCA students attended a workshop on hardware training and networking conducted by Jetking, on August 3rd 2022. 29 students along with the faculty member Mrs. Manjula attended the workshop. Hardware and networking concepts like Microprocessor, Motherboard, CMOS, NIC were explained and hands on training were given to the students.

Certificate Course Conducted: A certificate course on Python Programming was conducted for the final year BCA students, which helped them to do their project, as per the syllabus described by the Bengaluru City University. Thirty three students attended the classes and successfully completed the course.

Online Certificate Courses Attended: Students of III BCA attended online certificate courses on Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Cyber Security, Big Data Analytics and Soft Skills through FutureSkills Prime, a skilling ecosystem focused on emerging technologies, powered by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology.

Value Added Course Conducted: Apart from the academic curriculum prescribed by the University, a Value Added course on Quantitative and Qualitative aptitude was conducted for the final year BCA students by Mrs. Shashikala, Dept. of Mathematics, to enhance the standard of students, which can help them in their employability. All the students attended the course.

Innauguration of the Technovation Club: The Department of Computer Science inaugurated the innovation club “Technovation” – ‘Where Imagination meets Innovation’ , on 22nd July 2022. The guest speaker for the day was Dr. Immanuel I Selvaraj, founder of ‘I-EL Technologies’. Around 125 students from the stream of BCA and BSc participated in the event . Student representatives were selected from the BCA stream.

World Friendship Day: The Department of Computer Science celeberated the “World Friendship Day” on 29th July 2022,on the theme ‘ Bridge the gap between language and Culture’ which will enhance the students to bring unity and peace. Students from the BCA stream conducted, few fun filled games and activities. They also had a metal stand selfie photo booth.