19, 3rd Cross , Mission Road, C. S. I. Compound, Bengaluru, Karnataka.

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International multi-disciplinary symposium:
An International multi-disciplinary symposium on ‘Systems Management-an Overview’ was organized on 23rd July, 2018 by the Depts. of Management, Commerce, Economics, Computer Science & Physics. Students and staff from various colleges were invited.

Field Visit:
The Department organized a visit to the RBI & FIRC (Financial Inclusion Resource Centre) for I B. Com and II BA students on 29th August, 2018 as part of their curriculum development programme.

Industrial Visit
The Final B.A. students were taken to a Food Processing Industry on 2nd March, 2019 to have a practical experience about Assembly Line Management.

Inter-collegiate Competition:
During the inter-collegiate Fest- ‘Disha-2018’ the Department organized two events- a) Pick-n-Speak & b) Collage. A number of colleges participated in the same.

The Bulletin Board was on the topic ‘Women in Industry’