19, 3rd Cross , Mission Road, C. S. I. Compound, Bengaluru, Karnataka.

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Industrial visit
The Department of Economics organised an industrial visit for 43 students (I, II and III BA) to Dairy Delight Ice cream factory and Regal bag factory located in Bangalore on 6th July, 2022. The visit enriched the students’ knowledge about the manufacturing process in industry. Dairy Delight Ice cream factory

Regal bag factory

National Level E-Quiz
The Department of Economics organized a National Level E-Quiz on ‘World Population Day’ on 11th July, 2022. Around 91 members participated from colleges and universities in India which included Students, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Lecturers, Research Scholar and others.

The Departments of Sociology and Economics organised an Intercollegiate Workshop on “Advanced Research Methodology in Social Science” on 13th July, 2022 from 10.00 am to 1.00pm in the Seminar Hall.

The Resource Person was Dr. Rajeev Kumaramkandath from Christ Deemed to be University, Bengaluru. The topics covered were: The difference between Methods and Methodology, Relevance of knowledge in present day and the significance of research, 19th century, Spirit of Enlightenment, Positivism, Observation and Experimentation in Social Sciences, Interpretivism, Phenomenology, Ethnography. 185 students participated from various universities and colleges.