19, 3rd Cross , Mission Road, C. S. I. Compound, Bengaluru, Karnataka.

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Webinars/ Workshops organized/attended:
The Department liaised with the Australian Consulate, Chennai, to put together a set of closed workshops and webinars featuring artists and writers that were relevant to the papers on Postcolonial Studies and Aboriginal and Native Literatures that is part of the 3rd and 4th semester MA English Studies program:

1. Oct’ 22nd 2020 - Rashida Murphy- Anticolonial Literature in Australia
2. Oct’ 12th 2020 - Peter Drew- Aussie Posters with Peter Drew
3. Oct’7th 2020 - Sunita De’Souza - Doctor,Techie, Curry Muncher
4. July 21st 2021 - NAIDOC week – A Reading by Kim Scott
5. Jan’ 29th; Feb’ 26th; April 16th 2021 -Resource Percolation Consultations with the Vice Consul, Australian Consulate,Chennai.
An interactive session featuring poet andblogger Suzzane Sangi: In-between Cultures and Races: Lupus and Poetry was organized on 15th July 2021 for the MA English students who were reading the dynamics between poetry and wellbeing in their final semester.

Student Involvements: Publications/Presentations/Participation
1. Ms. Samantha Christopher published a paper titled “Gender Sensitivity and Awareness among Pre-University Students in Bangalore City” in the book titled “Body Politics- Rethinking Gender and Masculinity”. Tanmoy Baghira and Ananya Mukherjee, Editors. Akhand Publishing House, Delhi. ISBN 978-81-948850-0-9.

2. Ms. Samantha Christopher presented a paper titled “The Cultural Appropriation of Voudou Myths in American Pop Culture” in the One day National Conference on Modern Narratives in Literature, Cinema, Culture and Society organized by St Claret College, July 7th 2021.

3. Ms Chadala Valli Padma presented her paper titled “Exploring the Challenges Faced by Select Women Construction Workers During the Pandemic in Tadepalli Taluk, Guntur District” in the One day National Conference on Modern Narratives in Literature, Cinema, Culture and Society organized by St Claret College, July 7th 2021.

4. Ms Chadala Valli Padma won a Special Mention Prize at the St Jospeh’s College META, The Festival of Literature for The Prof Barbara Naidu Prize for Personal Essay 2021 Conducted on 17th April 2021.

5. Ms Venila B participated in the “Leadership Training Programme” held on 26th September, 2020. BCWCC,organized by the Student Welfare Committee.

6. Ms Venila B participated in the Webinar “Now Men Need to Challenge Patriarchy” on 13th May 2020, organized by Delhi University.

7. Ms Venila B participated in the English Literature Quizeria – 2020 organized by Bishop Cotton Academy of professional Management, Bangalore on 16th June 2020.

8. Ms Venila B participated in the National Level Webinar on “Technical English- A new Dimension to Your Career” organized by Bishop Cotton Academy of professional Management, Bangalore on 6th July 2020.

9. Ms Venila B participated in the four day Webinar series titled: Language, Learning, Literature: Contentions and Perspectives”organized by Christ (deemed to be)University from 30th June to 3rd July 2020.

10. Ms Venila B participated in the Inter-national Webinar: “Feminist Approaches to the Pandemic: Reflecting on our Experiences” organized by Jain University on 10th

July 2020.
Dr. Amitha Santiago, Dean, Dept. of Post
Graduate Studies – MA English
Conferences/Resource Persons/ Workshops
1. Chaired the Doctoral Conclave as the External Expert for the Research Advisory Committee for PhD Research Scholars of the English Department,Presidency University on May 10th 2021.
2. Was a panelist and spoke on: “In Search of the Unexpected: The Supreme Court, menstruating Women and the Sabriamala Controversy” at the European Conference of South Asian Studies at the University of Vienna, Austria on July 29th 2021.
3. Participated in the 2nd Arts and Humanities Research Council, Minorities on Campus Research Network Workshop organized by Coventry University and IIT Indore on May 27th 2021.
4. Was a Plenary Speaker on the subject of “Globalization, Ethnicity, and Multiculturalism” at the Doctoral Conclave for PhD scholars of the Universitas Udayana Kajian Budaya, Bedulu, Bali, Indonesia on Feb’15th 2021.
5. Was a Panelist on “Higher Education, the National Education Policy and Institutionalizing the Governance of Minorities, Women and Dalits” at the Arts and Humanities Research Council Workshop 1: Existing Intellectual Paradigms of Higher Education and Social Mobility of Women and Minorities at Coventry University and IIT Indore on 10th December 2020.
6. Was invited as a Guest Speaker to St. Anne’s Degree College for Women, and delivered a lecture on “The Training of the Imagination: Critical Approaches to the Reading of Literature.” March 2020.

1. “The Gospel According to Babylon”: The Rastafarian Challenge to Euro-centric Theological Discourse in the Caribbean. In: Roots, Routes and a New Awakening. Palgrave Macmillan. Singapore. ISBN 978- 981-15-7121-3 ISBN 978-981-15-7122-0 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-7122-0 11 12. Editor. Ananta Kumar Giri. 2021.
2. “Bayit ze Isha: Housing the Body of Women through Spatializing Metaphors”,in Culture, Religion and Home-Making in and Beyond South Asia. Editor, Dr James Ponniah. Fortress Press International. Minneapolis, USA. ISBN. 9781506439921.2020.
3. “Homes and Spaces under Transformation”, Co Authors: Amitha Santiago and James Ponniah. Introduction to Culture, Religion and Home-Making in and Beyond South Asia Editor, Dr James Ponniah. Fortress Press International. Minneapolis, USA. ISBN.9781506439921.2020.

Dr. Allan Samuel Pallanna: 1. “Singing Truth to Power: Resonances of Songs of Protest in the Reformation and People’s Movements in India.” In Quilling our Visions: Weaving our Dreams. Editor: Rini Ralte. Indian Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. ISPCK. Delhi. ISBN:978-93-90569-61-8. 2021. 2. “Diakonia Beyond ‘Social Work’: Historical and Ethical Perspectives”. Vol. LII. No.1. Bangalore Theological Forum. United theological College.Bangalore. ISSN 02539365. June 2020.