19, 3rd Cross , Mission Road, C. S. I. Compound, Bengaluru, Karnataka.

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Programme Specific Outcomes

  • A student of History after completing the undergraduate course will be able to understand the basic themes,concepts and scope of history.
  • Demonstrate the knowledge of chronology,narrative,major events,personalities and turning points of Indian and Modern European history.
  • Students will develop the ability to distinguish between fact and fiction while understanding how and why important events occur.
  • Students will recognize the multi-causal explanations of major historical developments based on a contextualized analysis of interrelated political, social, economic, cultural and intellectual processes.
  • To study further in the applied field of history as epigraphy, archaeology and museum studies .

NEP Syllabus Programme Specific Outcomes :

Semester I :
Political History of Karnataka (300 BCE-1000 CE)

Understand the continuity of Political developments and strategies.
Analysis the importance of causes for the rise of regional political dynasties.
Understand contextual necessities which influenced the era of political supremacy.
Understand and describe the contemporary political history.
Appreciate the confluence of diverse political elements.

Cultural Heritage of India

Provide an insight about an extensive survey of heritage of India
Familiarize Indian history and culture
Expertise to analyse further development of culture of India
Analyse the factor responsible for origin and decline of culture
Provide the opportunity to understand the process of cultural development

Semester II :
Political History of Karnataka (1000 CE – 1750CE)

Understand the continuity of Political developments and strategies.
Analysis the importance of causes for the rise of regional political dynasties.
Understand contextual necessities which influenced the era of political supremacy.
Understand and describe the contemporary political history.
Appreciate the confluence of diverse political elements.

Cultural Heritage of Karnataka

Understand the concept of cultural heritage of Karnataka
Study various cultural factors which influence the flow of culture
Familiarize the factors which influenced in influencing culture and society
Analyze the factors responsible for formation of pluralistic society
Understand the concept“ Unity in diversity”.

Semester 3
Political History of India (From Indus culture upto 1206CE)

Understand the history and culture of poilitical history of Indian region.
Analyse the causes for the backwardness of this region.
Understand the political influence on the people and culture of this region
Understand the political ,social,cultural,religious history of this region.
Appreciate the divergent cultural and communal harmony of this region.

Bangalore in Time And Space

Understand the history and culture of Bangalore.
Analyse the causes for the backwardness of this region.
Understand the political influence on the people and culture of this region
Understand the political ,social,cultural,religious history of this region.
Appreciate the divergent cultural and communal harmony of this region.

Semester 4
History of Medieval India

Cultural History of India (From Saraswati Indus Culture to 1206)

Understand the concept and meaning of culture
Establish the relationship between culture and civilization
Establish the link between culture and heritage
Discuss the role and impact of culture in human life
Describe the distinctive features of Indian culture
Identify the central points and uniqueness of Indian culture
Explain the points of diversity and underlying unity in it
Trace the influence and significance of geographical features on Indian culture.

Semester 5 Colonialism and Nationalism in Asia(1900-1970)

Analyse the main theories and interpretations on colonialism and nationalism.
Understand the emergence of the Modern World System and its impact on Asia.
Analyse the dynamics and dimensions in the colonial working and nationalist movements in the five countries of Asia.
Understand the concepts of decolonisation and neo- colonialism in the context of Asia.

European History

Understand the history and culture of Europe.
Understand the political influence of Europe on the world .
Understand the political ,social,cultural,religious history of this region.

Contemporary History of India from 1947-1990

Know the meaning of legacy of Colonialism
Understand the legacy of Colonialism.
Assess the political legacy of Colonialism.
Identify the important legacies in the form of political legacy of British Colonialism in India.


To get familiarized with impact of the rebellion of 1857 on Karnataka
To get acquainted with National Movement in Karnataka
To know about Belgaum Congress Session
To understand about Origin and development of unification movement in Karnataka
To know about Contributions of Various Kannada Organizations

History of India. (CE1761-CE 1857)

Be in a position to understand the Dynamics of expansion, with special reference to Bengal, Mysore, Awadh, Punjab.
Be familiar with Land revenue systems- Permanent, Ryotwari and Mahalwari system, Commercialization of Agriculture- Consequences.
Be in a position to understand the Drain of Wealth-causes and consequences, Growth of modern industry.

Process of Urbanization in India

Enable students to critically engage with the concept of urbanization
through both texts and audio visual media.
Help to connect with the earliest planned urban settlements.
Enable students to understand that they are the engines of economic growth.
They should understand that they are centres of innovation, knowledge and political power.